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For the past 12 years careers teachers from all over Canada have learned how to teach their early high school (grades 9/10) students how to use the Career Focusing™ program to make work and learning decisions they trust and will implement with confidence.

In September2014 that training will be available online. Stay tuned for details.


Students, teachers and parents give Career Focusing™ A++ because it is what students really need  – an actual how to make career decisions program.

  1. Career Focusing™ teaches people how to recognize work and learning that are a good fit
  2. Career Focusing™ begins that process in a unique way by helping people tap into their intrinsic motivator – we call it their focus. The focus is what pulls people to activities they enjoy and passions they develop. The focus is the seat of their primary purpose and is their chief energizer.
  3. Career Focusing™ puts a framework around all the career decision-making steps that make it possible for people to know exactly how to make their decisions, exactly where they are in the career decision-making process at any given time and exactly what their next step has to be. This framework is what makes the process teachable


Career Focusing™ has been rigorously researched in 3 different studies. The findings consistently show a significant strengthening of career decision-making skills, as well as students’ belief in their ability to perform well.
