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2 Thumbs Up! Results Fisher River Cree Nation

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Between 2004 and 2008, 5,400 Manitoba and New Brunswick students in 51 high schools were  part of the Future to Discover (FTD) project, a  longtitudinal study funded by the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation.

The main outcomes of interest included graduation from high school, application for and enrollment in different types of post-secondary education for the different education systems and population sub-groups. Many interim impacts of the interventions were also of interest, such as on students’ course choices and achievement while in high school. These are available in a separate working paper based on school records data.

Through rigorous evaluation, Future to Discover is providing much-needed knowledge to inform the selection of programs that deliver the most benefit to Canada’s economy and support all youth in having the opportunity to achieve their potential.

How was Career Focusing™ used? see Executive summary – table at the bottom of page 3

Student engagement? see Executive Summary – table at the bottom of page 7

Impact? see Executive summary – table at the bottom of pages 9 and 11

Read the Future to Discover Final Report Executive Summary
